Simona Annalora – An Apology

1 min read

By: Daiyu Tang

The Hathian Observer strives to ensure that it meets the needs of citizens who are living in one of the most difficult places in the United States. Sometimes we make mistakes in our approach and it is only right that we flag this where it is identified.

In our previous article, an HPD statement that included insensitive comments about Simona was, after review, not in line with the standards we should expect from all contributors, whether official or not.

While the Observer is required to carry Hathian PD material, we will do better in challenging it, or if it is not changed and we are required to carry it then going forward the Hathian Observer will ensure that where there is beyond reasonable doubt that a statement could cause offence that we will exercise our discretion and blackout needless words. We do not expect this to be required on a regular basis as most HPD statements are factual or not directed at individuals, but we do understand and acknowledge that comments about Simona should have been challenged.

To that end, we have now applied the approach to the previous HPD press release which is updated in the link above.

If there are any question, please contact Daiyu Tang – Editor.

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