Report: Anonymous Sources Leak HPD Forensic Analysis Results of Batterie Beach Bombing!

4 mins read

By: Hathian Crime Reporter. Image Credit: Comiquities Twitter


In a recent and alarming development, anonymous sources have leaked the forensic analysis results of the Batterie Beach bombing to the Hathian Observer. The bombing, which occurred earlier this week, injured dozens and left many more maimed, causing widespread fear and outrage throughout Hathian. The leaked information has identified three individuals believed to be involved in the incident as part of a suspected Rejects gang initiation process. These individuals are Noah Birdie, Candie Lynn Jolie, and Bethari Indah.

Forensic Analysis Details

The Hathian Police Department (HPD) appears to have conducted a thorough forensic investigation following the bombing. Fingerprints were meticulously lifted from several bomb casings found at the scene. These fingerprints underwent comprehensive forensic breakdowns, which involved:

  1. Collection and Preservation: Fingerprint evidence was carefully collected from the bomb casings using advanced techniques to ensure no degradation.
  2. Analysis and Matching: The collected fingerprints were analyzed using HPD’s database and state-of-the-art matching algorithms to identify potential suspects.
  3. Verification: Identified matches were cross-checked with existing records and verified by forensic experts to ensure accuracy.

Identified Individuals

The forensic results conclusively identified the fingerprints of three individuals (Who, the Observer assumes have been in trouble with HPD before leading to their prints being on file):

  • Noah Birdie
  • Candie Lynn Jolie
  • Bethari Indah

These individuals are suspected to be members of the Rejects gang and are believed to have been participating in an initiation ritual at the time of the bombing. The Rejects gang is notorious in Hathian for their violent and disruptive activities, and this bombing is seen as an escalation of their criminal endeavours, although for a gang that has been in our archives since at least 2010… the sky is the limit really, although blowing up anime cosplayers has a certain new inventive twist to it.

Leaked Information and Public Sentiment

Along with the forensic analysis results, the anonymous source provided a message to the Hathian Observer: “Hathian Strong.” This message appears to be a call to unity, urging the residents of Hathian to stand together against the Rejects and their violent actions. The sentiment expressed suggests that the leaker believes the city must make it clear that such behavior will not be tolerated.

Community Response

The leak has sparked a strong reaction among Hathian residents. The public is calling for justice and increased security to prevent further incidents. The sense of unity and determination is palpable, as community members express their commitment to protecting their city from gang-related violence. The phrase “Hathian Strong” has become a rallying cry, symbolizing the collective resolve of the community to ensure safety and peace. (Well… this has been tried before… then there are purges, but good luck this time! – Ed)


The anonymous leak of the forensic analysis results of the Batterie Beach bombing has shed light on the individuals responsible for the attack. Noah Birdie, Candie Lynn Jolie, and Bethari Indah are now identified suspects, believed to be part of a Rejects gang initiation. The call to action from the leaker, encapsulated in the phrase “Hathian Strong” has resonated deeply with the community, galvanizing residents to stand together against gang violence. The HPD continues its investigation, and the residents of Hathian remain vigilant and united in their quest for justice and safety.

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