FDH Lieutenant Opens New Business at Hathian Construction Company

By: Society Reporter ((NPC))

In a city known for its devastation by both natural and man-made events, one man is taking steps to help rebuild after disaster strikes. Nathan ‘Nate Ferrer, Lieutenant over at FDH, has created a new business under the city construction company run by Chas X.

Lieutenant Ferrer works a construction job alongside his primary career at the FDH. The Observer spoke to him about his new business and how it might benefit the city.

Observer: “Please tell us a little about your background and describe the enterprise you are currently embarking on…”

N.Ferrer: “I’ve been a firefighter at Hathian Fire Department for some time now. I have worked in two previous firehouses and have some good experience under my belt. I have spent time in the military working as a mechanic for UH60s–birds as we call them or as civilians know them as–choppers. Helicopters. Anyway, I like tinkering and building things, and I work a second job in construction, which I have been doing for a couple of months now. Lately, there have been a good, few fires and some of our buildings and even a popular food truck, have been hit by fire damage. This led me to pitch an idea to Chas, the Union leader and overseer of the Construction company about creating a department for Fire Restoration and Reconstruction.

I would be leading a team from the company intent on fixing up buildings–commercial and residential alike post-fire and post-bomb damage. As a firefighter, I’m able to pinpoint weak points in buildings, particularly timber frames and wooden structures that have taken fire damage. I also repurpose materials so these things can be done on a budget if that is an issue–which it usually is.”

Observer: “With gang and police violence a factor behind fires and bombings, this business will likely prove lucrative. Have you managed to land any contracts so far?”

N. Ferrer: “Yes! I have actually landed one with the Zeek’s Chicken Food Truck. They are out on Berthier Street. Their food truck was damaged in a car blast and fire, and I made my pitch, since I carried out a fire investigation on their truck once the FDH had tackled the blaze. It wasn’t a terrible fire, and the truck should be up and running soon, so fans of Zeek’s Chicken can expect it operational real soon. But yeah, this business is hitting the ground running!”

Observer: “That’s good to hear. So, how did you get the inspiration for this business?”

N.Ferrer: “It was really a no-brainer for me with my background in firefighting and construction. But I also wanted to give back to my city by being able to mend its structures and help the businesses recover at a faster rate with my knowledge of fire damage. I’m really pleased Chas X. has agreed to open up this department within the construction company and take a chance on me. I think he also knows that we as a city need to band together and roll our sleeves up and get into recovering from our losses. Things like hurricanes, fires, explosions will happen sometimes and when they do, we will be there to help. The FDH has helped me serve the city in a way that enables me to save lives and heal people but now I can not only put out fires but take part in rebuilding–regeneration. That’s something I’m really proud to push forward with Chas X.”

Observer: “What project/s are you looking forward to tackling next?”

N.Ferrer: “There are some places like Raders which might enlist my services and some Project buildings that were burned in a fire last week that I could bid to take on as jobs. I’m also available for hire, so if anyone wants remodelin’ or construction, please pass on my details in the article. I’m happy to work on makin’ the city a better place for us to live in, where at least the buildings won’t hurt you and are safe to be in… even if it’s not as safe in other areas!”

Observer: “Is there anywhere or anything that you would like to work on particularly?

N.Ferrer: “There’s some projects which have been going on that have been held up due to cost of materials and shortage of supplies. I’d like to see them completed–such as the former hospital site. I’d be happy to see that come into being. In the future, I’d like to build a residential development maybe too. Something a little more cheerful than the Projects an’ affordable. There’s a lot to contend with in this city, fire damage, water damage and flooding, hurricanes, gang and police destruction of property. So, if you find yourself in need of a construction company, hit us up! There’s no job too small, I promise.”

The entrepreneurial spirit of one firefighter might have a significant impact on the city; change after all does start with one person.

Maybe through Lieutenant Ferrer’s actions, others will be inspired to build for a better tomorrow.

((Contact Nathan for RP: Nathan ‘Nate’ Ferrer (forgottenarm2021) ))

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