Dating In The Dark At Flamin’ Cajun

3 mins read

So, you may have gone on dates before if you’re not a luckless ugly creep…

But what if even luckless, ugly creeps had a chance to date?

Don’t like that idea? Well, it’s a good thing you won’t know what might turn up if you choose to play with your life and take a risk on love at the Flamin’ Cajun’s Dating In The Dark event, happening on June 14th, 6pm SLT. The restaurant is located on: Grand Massacre Street, behind Bourbon Street.

For a mere $20, you could choose to have an unpredictable and mouth-watering experience. Good food, good drinks and for a date in the dark–you and your date will really have to play on your conversational skills and provide the good company!

The Observer spoke to Flamin’ Cajun’s co-owner Denise Russo about the event:

Obvs: “So, what inspired this event?

D.Russo: “Well, honestly, my restaurant partner and I thought it would be a fun way to meet somebody new and it certainly puts a spin on the whole dating process. Also, when you want to go out and do something crazy and wild, you can totally do that with this event–and do something different!

We may repeat this event in the future if it’s a success. Don’t worry about getting food or drink on your face or clothes! Flamin’ Cajun Chef Davis ‘Pipes’ Johnson will be creating bite size canapes, and your drinks will be easy to locate since you have the option of staying for them when the lights switch on! Staying for drinks will mean your date was a success!”

Obvs: “What do you have to do to become a part of the event? Do you need to sign up?”

D.Russo: “Well, first ten people to sign up will be the ones who make the event. We will cut the lights but you will also wear a blindfold If you do just turn up, you can also just pick up a blindfold and join if the numbers are right!”

((OOC: To register: please send notecards with your name on them to Denise on her av: Denise Domela any time up until the 13th of June, the day before the event. Blindfold can be RP’d or ICLY bought/worn))

Obsv: “Is love blind?”

D.Russo: “It could well be. But why don’t you find out how you feel about that for yourself?”

What will you choose to do?

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