Holy-Moly Batman – It’s the Powerpuff Girls

4 mins read

By: Observer Staff

The Observer played host on the 20th May 2024 to to a strange trio who after bursting into the office were greeted with a reception drink organised by the Observer’s editor, Daiyu Tang. Having served the guests something spicy we regret to note the editor was evicted from her office which was then smashed up. Most of our staff are now working from home or the Columtreal Office.

While our editor didn’t want to provide an extensive statement, she drew our attention to certain Twitter threads, provided a few images and told us to “Get some bloody work done because I need a fucking holiday.”

Last seen heading towards an impromptu pool party outside the XXX store where Dancing Nymph manager Hrothgar (keen to promote this Thursday’s Toga Party) advised us that he thought she had smelt a bit of pepper and then mostly stripped before dunking herself in the hot tub.

Looking at what she sent us, we have put together what we interpret happened. It probably partly involved our editor doing what she does best and poking shit. We did wonder why the front window was broken even before the events below. Thanks Tori, now we have no windows, an editor on vacation and no office, but we still get paid (love you).

Scene 1:

Yuugen members representing their comic book hangout (very meta for evil-villains) came to visit Daiyu in regard for her offer to pay for photos of missing members. In lieu of cash, perhaps in fear of her life, she sprayed them with the hot sauce.

Scene 2:

Smarting from their impromptu dousing (We understand from Daiyu’s angry texts that screaming “Knock Knock Motherfucker” outside the door, in her view, justified a pepper based response), the wild Yuugen shook the editor down, smashed up the office and then after obtaining whatever it was they wanted (Daiyu suggested payment as per the Twitter promise) left, turfing her out of her own workplace.

Scene 3:

Our editor, from Hrothgar’s pool, instructed graphics design to use the CCTV images to represent, more faithfully the Yuugen members Junko, Yua and ‘Ahri’. After a process of very time consuming and expensive (and not at all rushed) design, they provided the following images back to her, at which point she instructed us to “Blow them up”. Assuming that wasn’t literal we moved onto editing to make them big cosplay stars.

Scene 4:

Completed pictures of the trio were published to Twitter (two below one in our cover title) with a ‘Hottest Cosplayer’ competition announced by Daiyu, which seemed to fail as they were all voted for. If you still wish to vote, our editors post is HERE.

Scene 5:

Our editor’s arch-Twitter nemesis, Ryder got involved, leading to a heated exchange about furries, butt plugs and the Yuugen.

Meanwhile, all we can say as the Observer staff is… where did our Batman go and thank you for letting us work from home.

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