Golden Balls – CU Ballbusters Take 1st Place

New shiny trophy for Columtreal University!

7 mins read

By: CU Sports Correspondent

18th May 2024

Hot on the heels of the CU Victory against the West Florida Argonauts (which you can read HERE) the CU team bursting with pride was invited to collect their trophy. With the league officially ended on the 11th of May this means that the Ballbusters are now league champions and are bringing home the gold for the University.

This caps off a great run for CU sports, where the Ballbusters and the Cheer Team (you can read their winning write-up HERE) both took gold.

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For the Ballbusters, the award ceremony was held at West Florida’s court in Pensacola where the trophy was passed to the new champions who are now the 2023/2024 Division 2 NCAA – Gulf South Conference Season champions! To honour that, a University Looters ceremony and a party was held at the main campus building, marking the achievements of this year.

A season summer break will see the league restart in November 2024 with the Columtreal Ballbusters making their attempt at Division 1, but worry not if you are a sports fan: The summer Beach Volleyball season is coming up quickly, and like the last year will feature matches on Batterie Beach so everyone can enjoy.

Maya Flores – Captain of the Ballbusters – Victory Speech

Maya, pictured right at the start of the season strode up onto stage and prepared a victory speech for the Ballbusters.

Maya: “I’ll try to be brief, but I am pretty bad at that, so bear with me. The tomatoes to throw at me are to your left, by the bench if you need one.”

“Hey, really,  thanks all again for being here. It is really you who makes it worth it. People who show support. It is a thing, I can bust my ass off, but without people buying the tickets or watching the broadcast? There would be no competition for us to partake in. But hey, if you do not mind, I would like to say a couple more… serious things. I know I know, that is not quite what I usually do.”


Maya: “So the first thing: I know that I am kinda full of any room I enter, stealing the face of the team as the Captain, as a poster girl, you know what I mean, yea? There is sometimes a bit too much of Maya, I know. Well, I wanna say this. Maya is a product of many people. Namely… Sera, Rachel, Sam, Laura, Jenny, Kaori, Riona, Charlotte, Monica, Erica, Ray, Jun, Noah, Calli, Amber, Helene, Beth, Sara, Lisa, Isa. All these girls put their lives on the backburner between a year and half a year ago towards when the season started and busted their asses in some or other capacity to get us here with you today, with a reason to celebrate, after what? After 8 fucking long years, ladies and gentlemen, way too damn fucking long if you ask me. That’s what. So, hey, give it up for these girls! And for the next year to go up on the banner as well!”

“There is also a second big deal for me. You know what shit hole the city around us can be. Things break down on a regular basis here, shit goes bad and then worse. It is a hard place to live at times, but it also gives resilience. And I am pretty sure that what we did could not happen anywhere else. We went into the season without a coach, and these girls around me, the team used to having to take care of themselves, they delivered.”

Maya: “Way too often in this town the shit hits the fan, but at least we know here how to make a pretty snowman… sorry, shitman out of it, and catapult it straight back at the trouble. We know how to overcome. You do know how to overcome; because you all are also my gang. The gang I picked many years ago when I was running with one on the street and figured that maybe I should instead go into a sports career. And use the platform to help other girls like I was, to help them see there are ways out and to return to the community, not through the violence and drugs, but through a dedicated effort, the sport, through the good things in life. So hey, thanks all for being Hathianers and Laveau folk and most of all Columtreal folk. You are the best.”

Maya: “Of course also thanks our sponsors. So anyway, I just wanna say, this trophy here….Is a bit of a testament that if things seem impossible to beat, it is more in our head and if we are resilient, we can deliver. And I sincerely hope that next year I will be down there with you in the crowd, clapping also for the Looters Football team, and Looters Basketball team and the Looters Swim team… you get the drift, yea?”

“So I guess that’s enough of me… we are here to FUCKING DANCE AND PARTY!”


So that concludes this season… what does the Observer think? They’ve been a great team. Let’s see how it goes for them in the next season and bring on the beach volleyball, always a favourite. Now does anyone have a Sam Smith special card? Bring it to our editor for a reward.

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