‘Local Man’ Promises Q&A Session

What's on your mind Hathian?

2 mins read

A man claiming to be involved in backroom politics as the ‘City Administrator’ today told the Observer that he would be willing to answer a range of questions from citizens interested in what goes on ‘behind the curtain’. Claiming to be able to ‘predict the future’ he suggested that citizens of Hathian should ask him anything in our own version of a Reddit AMA.

The Observer is not one to be taken in by charlatans (Céleste aside). But in the spirit of Christmas we felt that allowing someone often seen wandering the streets, pointing their finger at buildings and mumbling and recently claiming to be the source of a recent snowstorm appearing above his and other heads should have their shot at fame with you, our loyal readers.

So Readers, please submit your questions to our Observer staff and we will be sure to put them to ‘Nadir’ as he likes to be known.

((This is an opportunity for the community to pose questions to Nadir about the Sim / Technology / changes / his thoughts on ideas / anything. Obviously time constraints may curtail the amount of questions that can be fielded. Also anything moderation related should continue to be addressed to the moderation team! Should you wish to submit a question, please notecard Daiyu Tang (faithtang Resident), drop a DM via Twitter or via the Discord. We’d aim to get this collected, sent to Nadir and back to the community in January, so please deadline for queries is Wednesday 20th December!))

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