To Serve and Protect? HPD “Priorities”

2 mins read
Hathian Police Department

There is something amiss in the bowels of Hathian Police Department: debauchery, distrust, inaction and an odd smell emanating from the locker room.

This reporter had a few run ins with these men and women in blue, and each one just gets more odd. Like the female cop who stopped me in an alley and then proceeded to ask to touch parts of my body. No one touched them since my mama changed my diapers when I was but a wee little girl. Or the male officer who followed me around asking me all kinds of questions that had less to do with law enforcement and more to do with the size of undergarments I purchase.

Two attempts were made to contact local law enforcement. The first was dialing the non-emergency number. I was told that I was blocking something, and then the person just hung up. I don’t know about you, but this seemed a little unprofessional. Then, I walked into the strange smelling lobby to file the report of a runaway and was promptly told nothing could be done.

What is the job of those men and women in blue? What is it they are trying to accomplish? Do we not pay taxes that support the police department? It is of this reporters views, that our Hathian Police Department is more about what benefits and helps them, rather than protecting and serving the community that supports them.

If you have similar stories, feel free to reach out Amber Lynn Chang ((maelstromdork)).

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