Police Arrest has Explosive Ending

4 mins read

The pursuit of a warrant for arrest led to an explosion at Shangoya Club in Rougarou, resulting in several injuries.

Corde Christopher, Shangoya Club owner, was wanted for numerous charges relating to a prior incident at Lou’s Bar on Hathian Highway. 

Christopher claims the altercation at Lou’s began when an officer targeted a friend as an act of racial profiling. 

“Officers Scarmon and Williams was harassing Charlie over some ID,” said Christopher. “Some racial profiling. Charlie is a US citizen with a Jewish and African heritage. “

Tensions at the scene quickly escalated to deadly assault.

“Me find Williams stabbing Charlie… Then, (Williams) pulls she gun too. Me drew mine and shoot that thing out of she hand.”

One officer was admitted into Hathian General Hospital with gunshot wounds related to the assault.

On May 23rd, Hathian police entered Shangoya Club with a warrant for Christopher’s arrest.

Christopher says police entered without announcement and immediately began to siege the property.

“Noontime, early afternoon when we door was kicked in and a flashbang fly right into the bar,” said Christopher. “Them was using sharp ammunition. No warrant declaration, not even an attempt to get some cooperation outa we. 

Shortly after police entered, an explosion sets the bar aflame.

“Next thing I know, the whole place catch a fire and a whole heap a police run in guns blazing.

One of them bullets musta hit a gaspipe, and from then it just kept on blazing. Me and me friends jump out the window. Me even help get certain police officers into safety, like Sergeant Clave and Detective Gregorv, before the whole place went boom!”

Christopher claimed fire easily broke out due to highly flammable substances for rum brewing present near the club’s bar.

“Me and me friends was making some custom made rum at the bar. We had all kinda barrels set up. A whole heap of highly flammable materials for the distillation process.”

Hathian Police gave a statement, contrary to Christopher’s, regarding the fire. According to the testimony of those at the scene, barrels of fuel had been placed around the building’s interior. The barrels were intentionally lighted by those inside the club, resulting in the explosion.

According to Christopher and police, six other individuals were present in the club at the time of the attempted arrest. Police assert those in Christopher’s company attacked officers as they entered the premises. Christopher gave no comment to verify retaliation by his party; however, he suspects ricochet from police bullets led to several officers’ injuries.

The club’s explosion and gunfire resulted in numerous injuries for both officers and those present at the club during the time of police entry. There are no casualties.

Investigations are still pending.

When asked about allegations of racial profiling, the Hathian Police Department gave comment.

“The Hahtian Police Department does not target individuals at any time,” replied police department media liaison Jax Williams. “The Hathian Police Department is proud to be an equal opportunities employer and supports diversity in the workforce. As such the Hathian Police Departmen has direct avenues and procedures to follow in relation to discrimination of any sort. If a member of the public believes they are victim of discrimination of any kind, then they are fully encouraged to submit a complaint and or statement with the Hathian Police Departmen for investigation.”

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