Waver from your Faith, become an Heretic

2 mins read

Do you feel out of space and confined? Like you have not ever been truly free? As if there were still a key missing to unlock all you desire? If so, then we might have just found the perfect place for you!

Nestled by the sea coast of the Vodou district, Heretic is the new, hot club you will soon be calling home. Dancing, drinks and Dominatrix, Heretic has it all and, more importantly, for all.

We met with the lovely Priscilla, manager and dancer at the club that was kind enough to give us the grand tour. Composed of men and women from varied backgrounds, the staff of the club are there to welcome you everyday. Whether you’re looking for drinks, company, dancing or a show, they will make certain that you leave with a smile upon your face.

The Heretic is always looking to hire new talents to join their team, having positions open for dancers, bartenders and more. A special mention for male candidates looking for a new career path, you will be welcomed with open arms.

Opened only for a month, the Heretic was looking to fill in a gap that was missing in the city. And who better to talk about their vision than the club’s current manager as she shared it with us: “He (the owner of the club) saw there was a lack of this. And in a town like Hathian something like this is necessary. Things here are safe, and consensual. It lets people explore things they might not normally.”.

The club has yet to hold its official opening party but we will be certain to share the date when it is set. Of course, you can already visit it right now and unravel all of its secrets. We here at the Observer would definitely recommend you have a peek at the second floor…

So, give in and see you there! ((http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Vodou/164/223/35))

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