Opinion: Apology to the Orcus Samedi Motorcycle Club

4 mins read

I would like to personally apologise to the Orcus Samedi Motorcycle Club for the two articles, written by myself, that have recently appeared in the Hathian Observer.  While I am unable to retract either article,  I believe the fact that they remain on the Observers website will act as a lesson to others not run with a potentially huge story without checking the credibility of the source and the validity of the claims that are being made. In this instance I was negligible in not doing either of these.

For my the first article (OSMC Implicated in Kidnapping of Multiple Women) published on the 4th of November, the article was biased in how it was written and while I believe the person I interviewed may or may not have been a victim as she describes, I failed to do due diligence as a reporter and speak to all parties to confirm/deny details and to put forward their side of the story.

In the second article, while it was made clear that these claims were being made uncorroborated and therefore just the claims of two individuals against the OSMC, they failed to disclaim their allegiances to another organization within the city, the Kogarashi, a group responsible for the recent ‘hunt’ which ended in multiple fatalities, and that these two organizations it would appear are in some sort of dispute.  While the two people I spoke to may or may not have been victims of the OSMC, given the nature of the hunt and the reputation of the OSMC, it would appear at worst this is possibly nothing more than tit-for–tat reprisals for some previous incident between them.

Had this information been disclosed to me, it is highly likely I would have written the story in a completely different manner given the full information, and would either of reached out to the OSMC to make them aware of what was being said and actually doing what I should have to begin with and getting their side of what happened, or as is most as likely avoided the topic completely. Once again, I apologise for any distress these stories may have caused the OSMC members, family, and friends.

Also I want to add in response to the a member of the Korarashi that I had a brief conversation with over Twitter.  I was stood outside the Observer Offices and remembered an incident with a woman being taken after being accused of being a  member of the Hunt, which would go to prove the claims of being out at a bar to be false making the voracity of your story questionable. Yes I did contact you both in HGH, having heard you were there and wanting to publicize what at the time, I thought was an ongoing story exposing the OSMC.  However you knowingly mislead me by not disclaiming your affiliations, and therefore the obvious bias you had against the OSMC, and used the media to further you’re own twisted agenda against them.  While I can not for a second condone what you went through during captivity, your deceit and the duplicitous nature of means I can not trust your word and even if you were being truthful unfortunately your lies have made it hard to truly believe your claims.

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