On November 19, 2012, a woman was seen running into Hathian Police Department, covered in blood clinching a cleaver in hand. She was hysterical with both anger and shock. This reporter was actually on scene, but thought to keep her distance from the woman for her own safety. Of all things that the woman ranted on about, the most noted comment was, ”I -TOLD- Y’ALL HE BE BACK!’ Before this reporter had a chance to investigate further, however, she was ushered out of the precinct by the officer depicted in the featured photograph. Though it wasn’t until after this, did the real trouble begin.
This reporter, in full compliance with the officer, heeded his warning to move to the street, as he asked.. “Miss, this ain’t a safe area right now, please go out to the street,” And yet that did not stop him. As this reporter was no longer in danger of mad cleaver attack from a frightened woman, she began to keep track of the information being given as she heard it. The woman made no secret of what had happened, yelling in her hysteria, but made it clear that she would not like to be identified. The officer in the photo went beyond his duty and decided to put his hands on this reporter, grabbing her wrist to take from her what was not his. “Leave the area please and give me that..” While it was only a notepad where this reporter would have taken vital notes on the case, the principle of it all was an abuse of power on his behalf. When confronted by this reporter, the officer only had this to say in response.. “Yes do it on your free time, not on HPD property, we don’t even know the facts yet and you’re here eavesdropping and taking notes…. GO NOW”.
This reporter again attempted to explain to the officer that this was her job. Even though the police do not have the facts, it is her job to find those fact, and report them to the people of this fine city. The officer responded again, “if you’re in the lobby when we taking the facts, we don’t need to be worrying about her with a cleaver hurting you, so you stayed in there and where in the way of our job cause we had to look out for you not getting hurt while trying to get a crime told.” Citizens of Hathian, this reporter asks, did his job not end once the reporter complied with his request? Did he need to take this a step further and confiscate property that was not relevant to his situation at the moment without a warrant or just cause to do the same?
Furthermore, this reporter decided to finally comply with realizing that there would be no reasoning with him, and a lawyer and judge will need to be involved to ensure this particular officer does not with his unorthodox methods of “Protecting and Serving,” only to be insulted further by the officer, “So, when do reporters dress so, um well, trashy and slutty?” This reporter reminded the officer that this was all going on record, and he further responded with, “Get the fuck out of here now,” as well as running after said reporter with full intentions of intimidating her. Clearly this is not conduct becoming of an officer of the law. He even went as far as to throw a rock at this reporter to send the message across that she was not welcomed there.
All citizens of this nation are born with their first amendment rights to free speech, religion, petition, assembly and in this case, press. Where does the jurisdiction of the Hathian PD end, if one is denied the right to exercise these rights? Rest assured, my fellow citizens, that this will not stop this reporter from following this case, nor the other concerning the woman mentioned above. Again, the officer and the victim are unnamed to protect their rights as citizens of Hathian, and more importantly American citizens. Again I ask you, people of Hathian, where does their jurisdiction begin? Where does it end? This reporter intends to find out.