Rumblings of Unrest, Public Protest at HPD

2 mins read

In recent weeks, some of the hostilities toward the Hathian Police Department seem to have waned in the wake of a quiet spell. However, some Hathian citizens remain wary and/0r unforgiving. “So they haven’t murdered any babies this week,” quoted one anonymous local. “Do they think we’re just going to forget?” Apparently one small but vocal group of Hathianites has not forgotten.

“We’re inviting all of Hathian to gather outside the HPD for a public protest,” quoted the organizer who wishes not to be identified. “Bring your picketing signs. We’re going to show the HPD they can’t get away with rape, murder and brutality against the citizens of Hathian any longer!”

The protest is reportedly scheduled to take place sometime Monday evening on March 19th. Anticipating a police response, protest organizers are urging citizens who wish to attend to take precautions but also had this to say… “It is our legal right to gather in peaceful protest against police brutality. Unwarranted violence against the protesters will only increase tensions against the HPD and so for their own sake, I hope they respect our right to a peaceful assembly without resorting to their usual tactics. Media outlets will be present to document any unlawful or unethical action of the HPD.”

Cheap t-shirts are being offered to any Hathian citizen who wishes to attend the protest. You may order yours here:

Cheap picketing boards can also be ordered here:

So will a peaceful protest actually send a message to the HPD? There’s only one way to find out.

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