Do you need a Lawyer?

1 min read

Are you tired of some public defender just looking down at you!

Do you want someone to believe you?..Someone you can TRUST?

I’m Michael Dreven Jr. Esq. Attorney at law and I am your man!
Were you charged with a crime you didn’t commit? Did the cops or D.A. set you up?
Well I believe you! I know you were just minding your own business when some law enforcer
pinned some collar on you because of your race,color or the lovely people you call friends!
Well that’s just not right! Don’t let them get away with it! I have proved the innocence of 99%
of my clients and I will do the same for you! Don’t let them take your good name and flush it down the toilet!
Call Me Michael Dreven Jr. Esq. Attorney at law at 555-555-1001
Remember ..I believe you !!!

That number again is 555-555-1101 Just ask for Michael Dreven Jr. Esq Attorney at Law

All fees must be paid up front.
Past performance carries no guarantees.

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