Epidemic? Time To Party!

3 mins read
Sofia Keolanui is hosting Illumination, a charity party event for the victims of the epidemic.

If you’ve been around town recently, you’ve no doubt noticed the posters advertising Illumination, a benefit party being thrown by Hathian’s own Sofia Keolanui for the poor souls who have been inconvenienced by the illness striking down citizens left and right.  A reporter from the Observer sat down with Miss Keolanui and spoke with her about the party.

Hathian Observer:  What prompted you to put together a gala charity event on such short notice?

Sofia Keolanui:  My family has always been active in charity work in Hawaii and internationally, so it wasn’t a big step for me, though it is my first time setting something like this up.  I went down to the beach to surf one day, about a half mile away from the quarantine area, and realized how horrible it must be to be stuck in there.  Talking to friends who had been in it, it sounded frightening and, at times, boring.  Especially right after Christmas and New Year, when people should be lazing around talking about how much they over-ate!

HO:  What will the money raised by the party be used for?

SK:  It will be used 100% to provide for the people in the camp, give them some luxuries and things like toys for kids.  It will also be used to help people who may have missed a lot of work or even lost their jobs.

HO:  So you’re paying for this all yourself?

SK:  Not totally, no.  Keolanui Enterprises is a business my brothers and I set up, so they’re contributing too, through that.  Businesses around Hathian are also helping out with things like free bartending, food and entertainment.  Everyone has been incredibly generous with their time and merchandise.

HO:  Why the name Illumination?

SK: [smiles sheepishly] I guess I wanted something to illustrate light at the end of the tunnel.  Being as sick as people are can seem pretty dark and unending, I bet, so I wanted to do something a little happier.

HO:  Thank you for your efforts, Sofia, and on behalf of the Observer, good luck on Saturday!

SK:  Thank you!  I hope to see you and as many of your readers there as can possibly make it.

Illumination is on Saturday, January 14th in the warehouse across from Hathian Motors. 

The doors open at 5 p.m. and close when the last person leaves, people 15 years and up are welcome.

There is a $50 charge to get in and donation boxes will be set up around the party for further generous gestures!

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