‘Pride Fest’ Coming to Hathian

3 mins read

In the next few weeks, Hathian is going to be hosting a ‘Pride Fest’ to raise gay awareness and acceptance. The city decided to put on the celebration after one of the counselman’s daughters declared that not only were cooties gross, but kissing another girl after she heard Katy Perry’s hit single, ‘I Kissed a Girl’.

When asked what he thought about the festival, a local yokel was quoted as saying the following, “I’m already aware of them, so I don’t get why we need to raise ‘awareness’. I bet all this is just a way for them to dance around in their glittery little feather covered costumes and make them rest of us uncomfortable.”

That aside, events and sales have been organized with help of local managers for the second week of August, the 11th through the 13th.

Businesses suspected to participate in the events and sales for all citizens to take advantage of are the Slim Goodies Diner, Rader Records, the XXX Shop of Hathian, the Berthier Street Bakery, Super Chopsticks, the Pie Hole Pizzeria, and it’s rumored that the Titty Twister will be hosting a dance party and drag show.

Though this isn’t all the city has planned, says one of the counselmen.

“We’re handing out pins, or buttons, for people to wear to show their support.” he explains. “If someone wears the pins when they go into, let’s say.. Hathian Motors, they could get a free tire rotation, while someone not wearing a pin would have to pay.”

With the prospect of free goods, who wouldn’t show their support?

“We’re also still looking for managers who wish to participate,” he says when questioned what else the city has planned. “Any business or group can do so. All they have to do is call our office and arrange it.”

Plans are still underway. Rumors of a parade and a ‘Spot the Gay’ event are still being drafted.

So, mark your calendars for the Pride Fest, which spans over three days, August 11th, 12th, and 13th.

((Any manager or lead who wants their business or group in the Pride Fest events should IM Valena Vacano, the OOC organizer, ASAP!))

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