Fash Bash – Holiday Edition!

3 mins read

Okay, fine citizens! It’s that time again, time for a much needed update on what should and shouldn’t be adorning the enticing bodies of our dear Hathian. With the approach of Christmas, the addition of snow, and a brand new year right around the corner, your friend Maddy is here to help you ease into a fabulously fashionable season!


·     Ho ho HELLO.  Santa wear has never looked so hot. With the oversized man’s big night fast approaching, it’s crucial that he take some time to hang with us on the streets right? Let those elves do the hard prep work and get your big ass a drink Santa! That’s exactly what he’s done and let me just tell you, Santa was looking more than fit in his baggy red, fur trimmed pants, tank and all too cute hat cocked precociously to the side. Men, not everyone can pull this look off though, so unless you’re the proud owner of cracked out reindeer, over-worked midgets and a dope sleigh ride, this look should definitely be on your naughty list.

·     Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let us ROCK the Winter Wear! Okay chickies, it appears most of you took my last advice and covered those cheeks! At least for winter, or maybe you’re just trying to cover your frostbite? Regardless the ladies of Hathian have rocked the jacket, scarves and gloves look. Cute beanies, colorful neckwear, and cozy wrap-ups are everywhere and I gotta’ say, it’s a refreshing break for those of us tired of having a constant anatomy lesson. Really, we all got the same parts; let’s just keep them fashionably covered. Keep up the good work girls!

·     Stomp in the New Year! That’s right, from combat to cowboy; boots are where YOUR feet need to be in ’09 baby! Hathian’s finest are already setting the trends with colorful rain boots (from pink to purple, adorned with cats to stars), winter boots with fur (the trend setters choose black!) and of course, no one rocks the combat boot like a true Hathian citizen! So paint on those skinny jeans kids and tuck ‘em in to whatever boots you can get your hands, err feet, on. You’re sure to kick the New Year’s ASS!

Keep the streets fashionable till next time!

Maddy xoxo

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