Dear Grace: Running from Responsiblity

1 min read

Dear Grace,

Now I have a lovely fiancée, she’s beautiful and intelligent and I love her. But, I also love her identical twin sister, I would never leave the fiancée for the twin because she’s dumb as a box of frogs. The problem is, they are now both pregnant. I am not ready to be a dad so do you think I should leave them both?


Running from Responsibility


Dear Running,

This is a no brainer. Man up, you useless waste of space! It’s bad enough you are sleeping with both of them, but thinking of leaving them both because you are not “ready to be a dad” shows you up in a bad light. Even if you don’t stay with them that’s at least two children you should be supporting and developing a relationship with. What gives you the right, as a male, to walk away from your progeny leaving the responsibility to the two women you slept with?

Then again, I cant help but feel your kids might be better off without you. The moms certainly are better off without you destroying their lives.


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