Dear Grace: Animal Lover

2 mins read

Dear Grace,

I really don’t know what to do, but I heard you’re a veterinarian too. I am struggling with my new pets, the problem is they keep making cocoons and they are vicious little bastards. I cant seem to train them. They started as cute little fluffy things and we were really getting along great, you know? But I got hungry at 1:00 am and I fed them when I ate, and that’s what did it, that’s what turned them.

I even tried to bath one of them, I still have the scratches all over my arm. The bloody thing attacked me and it was all I could do to get out of the apartment. I am sat outside now, trying to call animal control and wondering what to do.

Do you think I should clicker train them or sedate them? I am really confused. I hear that sometimes an animals aggression can be because of health issues? Can they all be sick? Was pizza the wrong thing to feed them?

Please help,

Animal lover


Dear Animal-Lover,

I know the best course of action is for you to come and see me in the quarantine zone. I know it’s strange but I really do feel I can help you if I get the information in person. I do think that the problem you have is called “gremlins”. Now, these little buggers can be vicious, but remember that bright light can kill them.

If you start seeing Pokemon, I would like you to call an ambulance they will help you catch them all!

I can’t wait to meet you,



Need some helpful advice? Ask Grace! Contact her through Twitter @GraceFrontenac or message her directly! All submissions will be treated as anonymous unless otherwise stated.
((Contact Countess.Chickenwing in game or @GraceFrontenac on twitter.))

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