Dear Grace: Deathwish

1 min read

Dear Grace,

I’ve received a lot of death threats recently. I’m not bothered by them, and in fact I could do with more. Their hatred and loathing sustains me.
I’m doing pretty well being myself to rack up a high score, but I’m willing to push the envelope. What suggestions do you have?



Dear Deathwish,

I had to think long and hard on how to respond. All I can think about is how angry you seem. How you needing people’s hate is a way you can self-harm, how the hatred and anger towards you makes you feel good. There are other ways to live. Better ways. Easier ways.

The problem with anger is you will end up suffering from burnout. Please don’t do anything stupid, or anything violent. I would like for you to go see the psych at HGH. He will be able to help you better than my little advice column can. Self-destructive tendencies can be helped.

I wish you so much luck and love,


Need some helpful advice? Ask Grace! Contact her through Twitter @GraceFrontenac or message her directly! All submissions will be treated as anonymous unless otherwise stated.
((Contact Countess.Chickenwing in game or @GraceFrontenac on twitter.))

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