HPD Shuts Down

1 min read

The day after the chaos of the not so peaceful protest of the Hathian Police Department, Lieutenant Jack Hartigan addressed a small crowd of people.

In a press release, Hartigan revealed that the department will be closed until further notice, stating that public safety would be in danger should the establishment stay open.

His statement in part said, “There was a small gathering yesterday of concerned citizens regarding policing matters within the city of Hathian. I’m sorry to report, that the protest turned violent when reports of sniper fire were received as well as reports of explosive devices placed throughout the station.

“Due to these serious security risks, the Hathian Police Department building has been closed and access restricted only to the highest levels of command. It will remain closed until such time as a security expert has deemed the building safe for public access again.

“The police will still do everything in it’s power to keep the people protected and maintain law and order within our fair city. We have reached out to the city of Lake Charles, who will be accommodating any prisoner transfers and holdings until such time as the Hathian Police Department cell block is deemed safe.”

If one should go to the station, they won’t be able to get inside. Gates have sealed all entrances to the building, and even the lights have been switched off. Evidently, the protesters got what they wanted.

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