By: Daiyu Tang
Hot on the heels of recent attacks and kidnappings impacting the Laveau Sheriff Department (‘LSD’) the Observer caught up with Senior Deputy Derryth after a further attack department (main picture). We wanted to understand what was going on down in Laveau and what, if anything, citizens of the area and then wider Hathian could do to try and assist in law and order.
Observer: “So Derryth, what are we on for today?”
The damage to the building seemed to be moderate, a small amount of fire damage visible in the top window along with some new bullet holes.
SD Derryth: “We were attacked again two days ago. Same M.O. Masked people drove a car up and used it for cover, opened fire on the two officers outside. Another set of attackers came in with molotovs. We had three wounded and Deputy Cohen was snatched. They made allegations she raped a prisoner and this was the reason for the attack. “
Observer: “What about your return fire, surely after our last article, you didn’t let them catch you unawares? Also, Cohen is like 50… doesn’t sound hugely plausible for a mother figure to be doing that… She also gets kidnapped a fair bit…”
SD Derryth: “We wounded three of them and took one captive. As for Cohen, I’m not sure about the validity of their allegations and it will be looked into.”
Observer: “A prisoner, any idea then who they are? That was a stroke of good luck to get one!”
SD Derryth: “We have a list of names and they tie in with local businesses and the asylum. We followed a blood trail from here to the asylum, confirming the link…”
The asylum, the place with the ‘hauntings’, the place where people had got or gone ‘bump’ in the night. Owner, one rather flustered looking (at least at the event) Athena… Maybe Derryth would or should go and take a ‘ghost’ tour and see what’s what inside the Asylum…
Observer: “So do you have enough evidence to take steps, to perhaps crack open whomever is repeatedly attacking you, or at least appears to be?”
SD Derryth: “We have a vast amount of evidence from an investigative point of view and now a suspect confirming what we already knew and we have some real, not code names as well to work with. We also have APB’s out on three of the attackers that we have not captured yet. They will be hearing from us as we know exactly where to find them now”
“Oh and can you print a message. ‘Tell Loki …..WE KNOW'”
Senior Deputy Derryth
Well, after I left the place I had time to think about the dangers that Law Enforcement in Laveau are facing and I also thought and reader, please contact me if I am wrong, but I hear little about any abuses conducted by Nikki or her people… so really, perhaps if you’re a citizen of Laveau maybe, pause before you next support a gang business with your custom. They’re out there taking a metaphorical dump on your town by trying to dismantle the LSD – which is just there to try and help you as HPD don’t even have jurisdiction… Just a thought dear reader…