Epic Weekend: Mardi Gras, Superbowl and Valentines at Columtreal University – NSFW Contains Boobs!

3 mins read

By Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage

What a weekend we just had, what with Mardi Gras, Superbowl and a pre-Valentines weekend all falling on the same week. The expectation had been building for weeks and the whole of Columtreal University was buzzing with the expectation of a great weekend, which didn’t disappoint anyone but may have left some feelings of hangovers, and possibly shame!

Hectic much?

On campus we were bouncing from one party to the next.

Pre-game at the Columtreal University (CU) playing fields where my band Buffy and the Slayers (“Buffy” Gage, Bobby Ray Lee, Connor Kharg) had the opportunity to play a gig to all our friends and campus supporters and serves as a rehearsal for our upcoming planned “Dive Bar ’24” Parish tour. The field was a great venue to throw one of the biggest party’s on the CU calendar and everyone embraces the occasion with costumes (or lack of!) and plenty of singing, dancing and drinking. (Yes of course we’re all over twenty-one, honest! – ed)

Embracing “traditions”

A Dubious Tradition?

Some of you may not know but its been a CU tradition since the very olden days ((ed note – 1970’s we wrote an article about it a few weeks ago https://news.thecrackden.com/2024/02/the-great-cu-topless-mardi-gras-party-tradition/)) that at Mardi Gras weekend, it’s legit expected for girls to take their tops off. Back then it was a protest movement against conservative ideals, these days its just so men can see perkier boobs than the Dean’s fake-ass ones. But some of us obliged because it’s only one day a year, yah?

A cheerleader following a long held “tradition”

After that the group moved to the Bourbon street celebrations for Mardi Gras but with the usual Hathian scenes of fighting and testosterone (or estrogen) poisoning some of us took the Cheerleader’s truck to Port Laveau before the cops descended, where we ended the night at their own little street festival. The town may smell like fish but they know how to throw a party! I sampled the hospitality from Hell and Kingston from Barracuda’s. Shots and some cakes! That’s a celebration meal!

Bourbon Street party

Can’t wait to see how they top this next year but with news just coming in of the Bourbon Street fire as I was writing this, maybe we want to avoid our own Mrs O’Leary’s cow story!

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