Hathian’s Best Kisser

1 min read

If you attended Looterfest at Columtreal University, you may have noticed a lot of kissing going on.

The Cupid’s sponsored kissing booth proved to be one of the events greatest hits, but there was also a competition running to discover HATHIAN’S BEST KISSER.

Anyone who joined at the booth would have been in the running, with the judges Daya Winters, Shella St. Marie and Sarah-Michelle Buffy Gage taking notes and lips all day long (we assure readers proper hygeine was followed and there was plenty of chapstick too.)

So if this is a competition, what does the winner get you must be asking, other than getting to kiss three hot young college girls?

The top three will get a 1-year free VIP membership to Cupid’s dating app with all benefits included (discount on Cupid specialty drinks, discounts on businesses Cupid’s sponsoring, as well as a flair on the app noting them as a Hathian’s Best Kisser, which is a title they will carry from now until they die.)

Contact Tabitha Hopper at Cupid’s to claim your prize.

So without further ado, the three (well actually four) best kissers are:

3. Arnica Lubezki & Daiyu Tang

2. Leslie Trenton

And the winner is…..

1. Eliza (Liz) Evans

Don’t worry if you missed out on the title this year, with the events popularity, we might see it again next year so better keep practicing your lip-action.

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