Hathian Horoscopes with Shelby: 2nd Virgo Edition

5 mins read

Virgo: As we shift out of Virgo season, there’s going to be lots of other shifts around you as well. Keep an eye on the things that you hold dear, as the shifts that are coming may prove to be violent and unpredictable. Be prepared to take some losses.

Libra: Your birthday month is coming Libras, you may be inspired to get out there and do something bold and unlike you. Good, do it. Nobody likes a dud Libra, and part of your charm has always been your uncanny ability to surprise people. Make a big splash in the next few weeks!

Scorpio: Where is all that sex appeal and charisma Scorpio? You’ve spent way too much time on the sidelines, pondering and plotting your next move, rather than just going for it. It’s time to get off the bleachers and get into the game. Trust me, whoever it is that you’re looking to tackle will appreciate it.

Sagittarius: They say when one door closes, another opens Sags. But you better be real careful about where that new door leads to! Be careful with any big changes that you’re looking to embrace in the future – the grass isn’t always greener, and sometimes that new door leads into a back alley. And that’s not always the best place to be in Hathian.

Capricorn: Dear Capricorns – stop being so goddamned lame. You’ve been in a dull stretch Caps, time to pull your head out of the sand and change everything! Get out there, go for something big, and don’t be afraid of the outcome. After all, even if it ends badly, live fast die pretty isn’t a bad motto to have, right?

Aquarius: Time to get silly Aquarius! Stop taking yourself so damn seriously, and start getting out there and having fun. Go hit up the Grind for karaoke, go shake your ass at the pool table at Lou’s, hit up the PA and get something fun pierced. Anything to get out of your comfort zone.

Pisces: Got something hot and heavy bubbling up Pisces? Good, it’s the perfect time. Take advantage of the opportunities you’re going to have to engage in a tryst or two. Be it love or be it lust, both may be equally satisfying to you at this point in time. Go for it and have fun!

Aries: Oh Aries, you sure are a vindictive group, aren’t you? Well, lucky for you, it’s your time to shine. Revenge opportunities are coming, make sure you keep your eyes out and execute them…I mean, on them. Whoops. These chances don’t come around too often, so grab them while you can.

Taurus: Watch your back in the coming weeks Taurus. You’ve made some bad decisions in the past, and chances are good, your ghosts are coming back to haunt you. Make sure that you’re aware of your surroundings, and stay on your guard…otherwise you’re going to end up paying for it.

Gemini: There’s a reason that you’re known as the twins Gemini, and chances are good, that side of you is about to come out. Your dual sided nature will be rearing its ugly head in the coming weeks – make sure that you keep it under control and under wraps around the wrong people.

Cancer: Get in touch with your nature roots for the next few weeks Cancer. Plant a garden, take a hike, bury some bodies – something that gets your hands dirty and feeds your soul. You may find the answers you’ve been looking for in the peace and quiet that you find outside of the city.

Leo: You made your bed Leo, now it’s time to lay in it. You’ve made a decision that you possibly regret, but rather than wallow, learn to deal. Just because you may be unhappy doesn’t mean that everybody else has to pay the price. Put on your big person pants and learn to deal with your reality.

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