Suspect Shoots Load in Officer at Lou’s Bar

1 min read

A cornered suspect guns down an officer during a police standoff.

On June 3rd, the Hathian Police Department responded to a call involving a female suspect causing a disturbance at Lou’s Bar on Hathian Highway. Three officers arrived on scene and found the suspect cornered and agitated.

As a female officer approached, the suspect pulled out a gun. Officers immediately took to cover and called for backup.

Firing a warning shot, the suspect attempted to hold her ground. She was however apprehended at the ankles by the approaching officer. The suspect deflected the grapple, kicking the officer away. Again she fired her weapon and this time injured the officer at her feet.

Two more officers appeared and drew their weapons on the suspect. Surrounded and outgunned, the suspect surrendered into police custody.

One officer was escorted to Hathian General Hospital with a life threatening injury.

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