Hathian Ring Event – “Fight Night 2: Vengeance” (Part 2)

11 mins read

Please be advised that what you are about to read contains graphic descriptions of sex, violence, mutilation, homicide.

Continuing from part 1’s recap of the Hathian Ring Fight Night 2: “Vengeance.  Next up was the fight, and from the comments I had heard ripple through those assembled, some had heard rumor of who was fighting, an accused rapist and one of his victims.  Whether this was true or not is unclear but it may go some way to explain the events of this very bloody and brutal attraction. The fight was billed as Little Red Riding Hood versus The Big Bad Wolf, though I have no idea that the attempt to hide their real names was futile as people seemed to know who both were.

Both were bought to the ring, the Big Bad Wolf naked except for his mask, and Little Red Riding hood seemingly taking a few seconds to tease the woman hung on the wall before preparing for her fight, warning the Wolf he was going to die in here and calling him a rapist, an accusation it would seem had been more than just rumor, but an actual fact confirmed as he could be heard threatening to rape her again.  Just from the way he moved he looked like he was handicapped, possibly the mask restricting his view you would have to guess.

The fight starts out fast. Red Riding Hood seems to have some flower or rose and uses the thorns to draw blood on the man who seems to be patiently taking his time. maybe allowing her to punch herself out before he attacks her or at least seeing what she has.  Getting to the side of him she kicks to try taking out his right knee, which hits and has some affect. it doesn’t have the power behind it or hit flush enough to send him down to his knee and he moves to close the distance jabbing to lure her in having a long reach to strike if she bit.  And she did as he brings his foot up, connecting with her stomach, winding her, giving him the opportunity to try to pick up the rose she’d been using as a weapon to draw blood after reaching to rip the hood from the woman as she falls backwards landing on her ass.  She breaths heavily and struggles to get up ending up in a crouching position.

He pulls  her up to her feet and rips the hood away spinning him around to face her, he is visually aroused and bad mouthing her he rips her top off wasting time though and she brings her hand swiping into his inner thigh striking at his testicles and the Wolf looks in pain.  He brings his knee up to get free or just to retaliate but she moves getting behind him enough to hit him in the back sending him dick first into the wire fence, and would guess any erection he had was soon lost, and Red Riding Hood takes the advantage.  He turns around swinging and she runs up and jumps on him hands grabbing the fence on either side of his head drawing her knees up she strikes into his diaphragm, his fist clipping her jaw but momentum keeping her going forward.

The wolf grabs her legs and takes her down despite her gripping as hard onto the cage as she can to block his attack and Red Riding Hood ends up laying on her back legs open.  He grabs her and drags her closer before laying on top of her and seemingly almost entering her as they struggles on the floor as she slaps at his chest and squirms  while he makes a grab for her wrist trying to stop her attacks as she reaches for his throat trying to roll him off her as he grinds against her.  She scratches at him again and he growls angrily managing to pin one hand down she tries to bite at his throat like a savage animal so infuriated by him and what he’d done to her.

As Wolf enters Red who manages to  bite down into his neck causing him to shout out in pain, as she tried to drag her hand down looking to punch him in the stomach it seemed, he grabs her her trying to wrench her away from his neck as she clock her jaw down like a attack dog of some description and starts to tear into him  as she thrashes around wildly like a mad woman her hand scraping down his back probably causing more bleeding it was difficult to see from my seat but it looked like there were droplets of blood the man is publicly trying to sexually assault her as she bites down into his windpipe blood flows over her and the cage as he rolls off her and stands to face the suspended woman  I couldn’t see what happened but the blood was spraying the canvas to give a pretty good indication the guy was dying as the woman leaped up on him and started to claw and choke him as the man slowly succumb to his wounds blood he started to go limp as she continues her assault punching his groin as he does it was apparent the feet of the hanging woman had been blooded by the wound to his throat.

Next came maybe the sickest part of the night as someone from outside of the ring passed the woman a knife, at first it is as if she never saw it as she is still attacking the man trying to rip his penis off twisting and tearing at it before and she removed his genitalia tearing it off the dead man’s body.  The woman removed the knife and.. I had to turn away sorry but barely saw what was happening as the bald colonel Sanders was talking and I couldn’t have watched what was happening afterwards anyway the amount of blood was sickening and made me thing the poor bastard had been bled dry.

The final spectacle was a competition, the woman that had been hung from the wall all night had her breasts and vagina marked with targets and the aim of the  game was to score the most points with three darts to win the $5,000 dollars cash prize (it later came to light it was cash when the winner needed to call a cab rather than walking home carrying so much money on them).  The events presenter entered the ring and announced the rules, each contestant was allowed the three darts, 5 points for open skin, 10 points for a nipple and 20 points for hitting the pussy.

Contestant 1 – Score:00
Contestant 2 – Score 05
Contestant 3 – Score  20

And the third contestant romped home as the runaway winner of the competition, after exiting the cage however she was probably less than amused as Colonel Sanders threw the money down from the balcony rather than having some sort of acknowledgement of just how well she had played on what was by that time a very timid and fidgety target.That was pretty much the end of the show, as I was leaving the building I believe I heard the hanging woman was sold for a chunk of cash, though I did not stay any longer, after what I had witnessed I needed fresh air.

As mentioned for the second concurrent event there was a man sat on the balcony by himself, smartly dressed in a white suit surrounded by young women that seemed to be on chains and at his every beck an call.  This man was very vocal throughout the show and certainly had a great influence on the show at one point the people running the event seemed to defer to him?  the man had an Australian or possibly British accent, who is he, the real organizer of the Hathian Ring, a financial backer with deep pockets or just some guy paying for the  privilege of sitting in judgement over everything, if you have any information at all you can contact Joanne Steel through the Hathian Observer, or via Twitter.

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Hathian Ring Event – ”Fight Night 2: Vengeance” (Part 1)

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