EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Tawnie Malikov

10 mins read

Tawnie Malikov. Some might say she’s insane. Others might say she’s a brilliant misunderstood mastermind. I got to sit down with this mysterious Cheshire in an exclusive one on one interview. What follows is the exclusive, about her, about the bombing, and most importantly, why she did it. I interviewed her in her psych ward cell at Hathian General Hospital, where they put her, deeming her too dangerous for the general population.

A photo taken of Tawnie hours before the explosion.  Courtesy of her twitter

Riley: Tawnie, thank you for having me here. Let’s start with your back story. Tell our readers a little about yourself?
Tawnie: Well, I’m twenty six, an Aquarius I love long walks through the morgue, and blowing up HPD squad cars with a bomb. As far as sad story….well, let’s just say I grew up in England somewhere, I didn’t ‘ave a bad life really, Mother locked me in a cage because little girls shouldn’t act like animals…..Daddykins, likes to touch me inappropriately whenever I ask him for a favor like bailin’ me out of jail on occasion, that sappy enough for you?”

The way she said “Mother” was so full of venom, hate and disgust, it sent chills through the air.

Riley: I…er…sorry. Um, so, tell us a little about your time in Hathian, what brought you here to this uh, beautiful city…
At this point she looked at me, and it was such an eerie look, a mix between spite and malice, her mismatched eyes, the left blue, the right a very deep brown. It was unnerving, and I was thankful for the wall between us.

Tawnie: “Let’s see abou’ maybe a ‘alf year give or take I tend to travel on Daddy’s dime, so….on and off, gotta visit Mother on occasion in Japan as well….”

Riley: Tawnie, this was obviously pre-meditated. This had to take a lot of planning to do, and I’m sure you had to have help. How long did you plan this for?

At this point one of her friends, a woman named Lolli, told me to get on with the questions. I had to explain I was establishing a story in which you, the reader, could engage in, and form your own independent opinion on her and her reasons for doing this.

Tawnie: “Now now kitten let the woman do ‘er job. I planned it for a week, I ‘ad some ‘elp but I’m not gonna out ’em, but they will continue to tear this city apart until the point is made.”

It was at this point I realized something. This woman was intelligent. Very intelligent, much more than she was given credit for. Our eyes locked, and I could see the intelligence behind them. This is a woman that was seriously underestimated, and it was scary.
Riley: Let’s get down to brass tax, as they say. There was talk about a diesel smell in the air just before this went off. Now, I could be wrong, but my theory is that you filled a plastic recepticle with diesel, tied a remote trigger to say, a cell phone call, and put it where you made a call and it would detonate, blowing the fuel everywhere when it exploded, causing massive damage. Am I right?

Photo from the bombing scene.  Officer Rejos is on the ground.
Tawnie: “No no no, nothin’ like that, someone taught me ‘ow to rig the electronic trigger coming mostly form the mechanism of a RC toy car, I won’t bore you with the teeny details, those that know what I’m talkin’ abou’ will know…..I used a mix of fertilizer soaked in diesel over a couple of days. Threw it in the trunk o’ the car, left the electric charge on a bed of cotton, and blew it with the remote. The results were jus’ as I planned them. I stalked the buildin mos’ of the mornin’ tha day before, during tha’ protest, once things calmed down a tick I used my anonymous friend’s knowledge of tha camera setup and picked the one squad vehicle that wasn’t in view of the security camera.
Riley: Interesting concept. So, your target was Hathian Police. This can’t be a coincidence. I mean you just said…anyways. Was this a deliberate target, or was it just what you could get at the time?

Tawnie: “Well ‘ere’s the thin’ poppet, I’m not ‘ere to make a statement on the HPD’s obvious lack of professionalism, nor their abusive measures, we all ‘ave demons to play with, this is about a small group of people who will remain faceless for the time being, we aren’t a gang, we aren’t trying to make it ‘big’, but we wan’ it clear, we mean business.”

Riley: So, you picked a cruiser, a very specific cruiser. One that Officer Rejos parks his SUV next to. Was this a coincidence, or, for you, pure luck getting an officer in this?

Tawnie: “It was the only car parked away from the range of the security camera….I ‘ad a source very knowledgeable about the camera layout….but once again you’ll ‘ave to pick those pieces up wherever they lay. As for the officer, well, what’s the expression? Par for the course? Pure dumb beautiful blind luck.”

[Editor’s Note: correction from the HPD states the security cameras do indeed cover the entire lot of the station]
It was scary how this woman could talk about nearly killing someone with such ease. Sure, this reporter has had her share of run ins with the HPD, but at the end of the day, like them or hate them, they are human beings. To hear her speak of nearly murdering another, and the joy and glee in her eyes, was very disturbing. I was chilled to the bone at this point, her movements, her words, the way she walked. No, she didn’t walk. This woman was like liquid, she flowed so smooth from the bed to the cell doors, it was frightening. I almost expected her to just turn into liquid and float out of the door. I decided it was time to wrap up the interview at this point, I was beyond creeped out at this woman. I could see behind the madness was a woman who knew just what she was doing, everything planned to a tee. Not one moment left unplanned. Unquestionably, this woman was brilliant, and downright scary.
Riley: Now, for the question everyone wants to know. Why? Why did you do it, what was your motive?

Tawnie: “This is about complete and total anarchy, I don’t care about whatever it is that confuses and scares that little ‘ead of yours, I just want to see this world burst into flames. I am the reason you feel watched, I am the shadows all around you, I am Pestilence.

A photo found on twitter taken apparently during our interview.

It was at this point I ended the interview and left. She had mentioned more sources, and I plan to find them, and get more information for you all. I want to get to the bottom of this, and I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg. If I find more information from her accomplices, I will write an article with that information in it.

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