Convicted Sexual Offender Is A Menace To Children

4 mins read

A local convicted sex offender, Kakihara Henusaki, is being sought by the police in several counts of crimes against men, women and children, including kidnapping, slavery and physical abuse.

Henusaki is the purported director of K Industries, a child-services agency located in District 8, a suburb of Hathian, and is suspected of abducting and abusing children from the neighborhood. Several witnesses claim that Henusaki and his employees have been taking children from the Seaside Youth Center, torturing them, and attempting to arrange child-trafficking operations with local authorities.

Colton Vond revealed that the charges against Kakihara Henusaki were solid, based on witness statements from men, women, and children who escaped Henusaki. “We have substantial evidence linking Kakihara to an extensive history of crimes, most of which involve young men and women who come from low socio-economic backgrounds, and are victims of poverty, mental illness, or are unable to physically defend themselves.”

Henusaki recently came to Hathian’s attention as the abductor, rapist and torturer of Lavynia Fallen in June of this year. Henusaki was jailed for the charge of luring Fallen to him with false pretenses, and then abusing her for days, physically, emotionally and sexually.

It is believed that several accomplices operated with Henusaki in the sexual torture of Fallen. Fallen, the owner of a costume store and influential figure in the local science fiction community, fit Henusaki’s victim profile, according to Hathian General Hospital psychiatrists.

Henusaki’s crimes are known to extend beyond elaborate sexual torture of men and women. According to sources with the Hathian Police Department, he is also the head of the Sumfai gang, who act as the enforcers for his human-trafficking operation. Sumfai has become increasingly aggressive in recent months, and a surge in recruiting has occurred in line with child abductions.

Human Trafficking is defined as “all acts involved in the recruitment, abduction, transport, harboring, transfer, sale or receipt of persons, within national or across international borders, through force, coercion, fraud or deception, to place persons in situations of slavery or slavery-like conditions, forced labor or services, such as forced prostitution or sexual services, domestic servitude, bonded sweatshop labor, or other debt bondage.”

Criminal profilers close to the HPD and sources within Sumfai report that Henusaki’s “training” methods have powerful “BDSM” overtones. BDSM stands for Bondage, Domination, Sado-Masochism, and refers to sexual activity in which one party causes pain to the other for sexual pleasure.

Seaside Principal, Paige Davenport, indicated that Kakihara Henusaki approached her about having Seaside Youth Center funnel children to K Industries to be tortured and sold. “He invited me to his building,” Davenport stated. “At K Industries, earlier this month, he offered me a half partnership in his child trafficking business and then tried to intimidate me. He presented a wallet to me, and said that he had obtained it from a lackey of his whose name I cannot divulge due to this ongoing investigation. He told me the wallet had been made out of the skin of one of my Seaside Children.”

Davenport works with the Hathian Police Department as a criminal psychologist and is assisting in the Henusaki case. She offers counsel to his victims and to members of Sumfai who want to flee the human-trafficking operation.

To the date of this article, three members of Sumfai have been arrested, and Corporal Vond expects more arrests to soon follow. “HPD will not rest until Kakihara and the Sumfai are purged from the streets of Hathian.”

Citizens who wish to assist in the eradication of the Sumfai human-trafficking operation, or the apprehension of Henusaki, are urged to contact Corvin Vond.

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