Junior Auto Thief Steals HPD Cruiser

1 min read
By: Michiaki Yamaguchi, Youth Reporter Photo
Hathian Squad car police chase in the city.

The city streets where in shock Sunday night as a young child stole a police cruiser and took a joy ride around town before crashing, ironically, into the Hathian Police Department.

The incident started when Detective Sora Senizen stopped on patrol to check out the recently damaged Gein Burger to make sure the premises was still secure. He left his cruiser to look at the scene, only for a child, who appeared to be Rory McAuley, daughter of infamous gang leader, Piper McAuley.

The girl then stole the car, and Senizen attempted to stop her, only to find himself on the roof of the vehicle. The car went down the Hathian Highway, which is where Gavroche Leone attempted to stop the cruiser. He jumped on to the speeding car’s hood to try and get into the passenger window.

Neither of these attempts were able to stop the young auto thief. The car turned back down the highway, and on Main Street before crashing right in front of the police station. Both men were flung from the car, while the young McAuley made her escape.

The only injury to report from the incident was a broken leg suffered by Leone, who was treated on scene before being transported to the Hathian General Hospital.

McAuley is still at large, but officers are confident that they will catch her.

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