Takeover Continues, New Details Emerge

2 mins read

More details about the hostile gang takeover of the Hathian Police Department are slowly starting to emerge. Among the chaos, Editor in Chief, Valena Dowe, has repeatedly been allowed access to the site in question.

Sargent Charlie Feld, who’s ex girlfriend was recently killed during the takeover, is reportedly being held in isolation without food or water. Dowe was able to get some comments from him yesterday before the chaos that took is former love.

“A collection of armed criminals from various gangs in the city stormed the police station by force after somehow getting drug-laced doughnuts into the bullpen,” he explained. “Most of the officers in the station were passed out when they forced their way in.”

It seems the criminals are smarter than once anticipated. He also claims that they takeover happened during a duty shift change. This means that double the amount of officers were in the station at the time, leading one to believe that the gangs timed their attack.

Sargent Feld, who naturally now has revenge on his mind, stated that, “The criminals have done nothing but show a barbaric sense of ruthlessness that’s typical of their fucking worthless existence.”

So far, only one death has been reported, but there are no doubt dozens of injured officers who are being tortured in the cell block. Screaming can be heard day and night.

“They fucking blame cops for over-reaching their boundaries of authority, yet they don’t think anything of kidnapping and murdering children, of torturing and killing innocent citizens in this city,” he said. “Every single last one of them is going to fucking pay for this.”

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Innocent Woman Brutally Murdered in HPD Takeover

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Takeover Ends in Chaos

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