CU Sleek Geeks Spread Cheer at HGH

2 mins read

I got to speak with Columtreal Univerisity’s Sleek Geek Club  founder and proprietor of The Other Closet, Lavynia Fallen and she told me of the great idea she had to help the sick and ill of HGH have a cheerful recovery.

“It makes it more silly and fun and helps people forget. They don’t feel pitied, they feel entertained and thats all we want to do. Provide some entertainment. Plus, most of us love dressing up for cosplay” Quoted Lavynia Fallen when asked why she was doing this.

 HGH patients now have something else to consider this week and it is a lot more pleasant than the cold that has been spreading around town. It’s Holiday Cheer! All through New Year, members of the CU Gleek Club will be dressing up and trying to turn those frowns upside down, bringing gifts, sweets and mirth to the recovery rooms at Hathian General.

 Known as CU “Sleek Geeks”, they have already seemed to have a very positive impact according to nurses and doctors, despite being heckled and threatened by some of the more ornery patients. Their timing couldn’t have been more perfect with so many officers in recovery the past week due to the violent takeover of the HPD precinct.

There have been no complaints so far, aside from the questionable blue paint from one of their Christmas smurfs, but the group of college kids promise to keep things creative since many of them are heavily involved in the cosplay scene that was brought to life in Hathian thanks to the opening of costume boutique, The Other Closet, which also doubles as the club’s hangout.

I’ve went to a few of their get togethers and I’d personally like to say that this group is a fun safe bunch that welcomes all cosplayers of any age. Interested in volunteering? Just contact Lavynia Fallen at 555-2345 or visit her at The Other Closet. Volunteering opportunities are not limited to club members. Come join the fun.

This is Rhys Carlier, your campus reporter, signing off.

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