The Hathian Police Department was the target of a slanderous attack in the early hours Saturday morning when two unknown suspects defaced the front of the building with graffiti; the perpetrators were bold enough to leave their marks in the entryway itself. Sources within the police department informed the Hathian Observer that little is known about the suspects save for the fact that both appeared to be female and covered themselves almost completely, visible in the newly installed security cameras in and around the building. Neither Commissioner Taov nor Chief Andel could be reached for comment at the time this article went to print, but this reporter imagines that the mood inside the police department is a little grim this morning as they come to grips with their new decor.
The police department wasn’t the only location vandalized in the early hours. Just before three in the morning, a call went out saying that the house on the North Shore Highway beach, near the abandoned church, was on fire and that two figures were seen running away. Although authorities found two sets of footprints in the sand and evidence of home-made incendiary devices, Observer sources within the police station state that no conclusive identification has been made at this time.
Citizens with more information are urged to call the Hathian Police Department’s Anonymous tip-line at 555-5252.