Officers twart attempted robbery

1 min read

HATHIAN – Two off duty officers were involved in an attempted robbery and mugging last night. Unable to call for back up the officers we able to detain the suspect and hinder any damage or loss of property to the victim.

While attempting to detain the unknown female assailant, she proceeded to threaten the officers. In self defense the officers were able to tase the woman until a uniformed officer could arrive on scene.

The female, over dramatizing the events, fell to the ground and hit her head. A paramedic had to be called to the scene to stabilize the female and take her to the hospital.

While officers are encouraged to show pride in their work, it is not customary for off duty officers to conduct any sort of police work in their off time.

This incident is still under investigation

Hathian Police Department Media Release from Officer Fae Lindley

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