Breaking News!!!!

6 mins read

The Cerberus are returning to our fine city, to take their place back as the defenders of the citizens of this town.

When I first came to Hathian, it was the lead Cerb, Vicious who I got to know, over him painting his sign on the cemetary wall, this gang is something I consider a part of Hathian’s history and I for one could not be happier then when I heard that their founder has decided to resurrect them.

”’RP Gang Bio:”’

* Founder: [[Vicious Sparrow]]
* Current Leader: [[(None at present.]]
* Current Co-Leader: [[(None at present.]]
* Identifying Marker: ((A rabid three-headed dog with the insignia ‘Kerebos’ marked on top.))
* Gang Activities: Due to a decline in numbers and inactivity of the leader, the Kerebos are rarely seen.  Though some will always hold their principles in their hearts, official activity has ceased.

== Background Story ==

The gang was formed after the failure of the Saints gang.  It was initially founded by Mr. Vicious Sparrow with much coercion by Misti Ruska.  Both members came together as they realised that their principles were similar; to do good, to protect the weak and to fight the evil that infested Hathian.  Both spiritual individuals, their faith was an intrinsic part of how they wished to conduct themselves.  Like-minded individuals were recruited selectively at first, key members of all Hathian professionals.  Even a member of the local CDPD eventually joined them.

== Original Members ==

Alfred Quality –  An old-time friend of Vicious Sparrows, he came to the gang and was immediately installed as second in command.

Misti Ruska – Initially a mere side-kick, she was mainly responsible for recruiting and training new members.  After a year in the gang, she was promoted to Captain.

Lanie Sosa – Recruited by Misti, Lanie became a key vigilante for the gang.  She was sadly to lose her life whilst fighting for the Kerebos cause.

Spartacus Dixon – One of the first members of the gang.  A brilliant tactician, he was key in leading battles against the Rejects and Greasers gang.

Bri Reifsnider – A reluctant recruit who had the unenviable task of being the gang’s lawyer/attourney.

Jasmine Slade – Initially a doctor who detested the violence that brought gang members into Hathian General in their droves, she saw the good that the gang wished to do.  She often assisted in tending to the wounds of Kerebos members.

Lance Amat – A dedicated Kerebos member, whose work almost brought the Kerebos to act as official hospital security.  Very intelligent and very loyal to the cause.

Joey Urqhart – Plucky member of the gang, her short-temper often got her into trouble with those they fought.  Very brave, she was a talented fighter and was known to assist in the taking down of the (at the time) head of the Rejects gang.

Renesaga Wesburn – An enthusiastic young man though lacking in subtlety.  He was repeatedly gunned down by several police officers after an ill-advised raid on the CDPD HQ.

Noble Spyker – Noble came to the gang after the infamous prison riots.  Very loyal to the group, he quickly rose to the ranks of Captain and was instrumental in warding off attacks by the Dreamhans.

Epic Maidstone – Recruited by Vicious Sparrow himself, she acted as his diary keeper and became a highly trusted member of the gang responsible for his large administrative work.  She was later elected to be Captain.

Gracianna Gabardini – Not so much recruited as taken under the gang’s wing.  The social worker was often harassed by the CDPD and the gang took up her cause to protect her.

Micalia Elytis
Lorelai Congrejo
Page Eames
Santino Marynov

=== Current Active Members ===

== Memorable Events ==

The great riot of March 08.   Police brutality, police corruption and public unrest brought about the great Hathian riots.  The prison was burnt to the ground as was the local PD.  Leading the charge were a band of Kerebos, who attacked the prison gates on a hijacked city bus.

Police brutality against Gracianni Gabardini had been widely publicised and the social worker’s frequent harassment forced the Kerebos to take action to protect their members.  The local population seemed to realise it was time to take action and chaos shook the streets of Hathian.  The ensuing death of Lanie Sosa at the hands of a Police Officer did little to calm the mood of citizens.  The lack of a prison in Hathian is testament to the actions of the Kerebos gang and the bravery shown by the local populace.

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