Giving Without Receiving

4 mins read

By: Paige Turner

The Hathian Civil Services Department (HCS) has been a cornerstone of community wellness for as long as the city has existed. It’s role in improving the lives of it’s citizens has only grown since the beginning. Consisting of four departments: Social Work, Corrections, Legal and Mental Health, HCS offers a wide variety of services from assistance with applying for food stamps to finding placement for those with mental health needs. Yet, despite the community’s need for their offices to have success, and their seemingly infinite drive for giving, the HCS often finds their own needs neglected by the very community they are tasked with overseeing. We of The Observer have sat down with none other than Why Verdandi to discuss this matter and others. Why has been a social worker for two years and as well as carrying the duties of office administrator.

A number of factors including underfunding, angry citizens feeling they are not getting the services they are due and inconsistent staffing have joined hands to create a perfect team that puts the HCS in a no win situation. “My office’s performance could be better, and there are a variety of factors that impact that” Why states. She further explains “It’s also very easy to became jaded here. Even for me… I sometimes wonder what’s the point? The criminals keep committing crimes, the mentally ill never get better, and the kids keep getting hurt and tossed around by people who are supposed to keep them safe.”

Why Verandi of Hathian Civil Services

Despite this, the city’s funding of HCS remains criminal. HCS is expected to be grateful for seconds at the dinner table and then when public needs come to the door, they are expected to perform miracles with said diminished funding. Why goes on to further explain “It would be nice if this office had more funding from the city, but we’re the red-headed step-child of city services. We get blown up at least once a year, some of our exterior doors are missing, and I’ve had to purchase security cameras out of my own pocket.” More than a few citizens can’t help but wonder, if the HCS department is so neglected funding wise, are the funds meant to go to citizens (food stamps, medical assistance) equally mishandled? Why’s next comment will answer that question for most. “”I wanted to offer support groups, but there’s really no place to hold them. We could add onto this building to make room for meetings and such, but the city won’t pay for it.”.

Is there a solution? Unfortunately, none seems to be apparent on the horizon. There is no hero streaking across the sky who can fix this all and make it better. Perhaps though, a more personal moment from Why offers a hint at a long term, grassroots approach to resolving the issue. “I’m probably the most proud of the genuine connections I’ve made, both professionally and privately. Hathian is a difficult place in which to live, and the people you bond with can make all the difference.” It is likely the solution is for the citizens to remain angry, bond in said anger, and make a difference. For this to happen though, citizens will have to be armed with the facts. The facts being that, the HCS department is not the problem and are in fact a victim themselves. The recipient of the citizen’s anger should be those who are in control of it’s funding.

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