Public Execution Leads To Riot, Death

3 mins read
By: Michiaki Yamaguchi, Youth Reporter Photo
Hathian Squad car police chase in the city.

The kidnapping of Dr. Amira Xuanzang lead to what some are calling the darkest point in Hathian’s history after her husband, Captain Jeremiah Xuanzang of the Hathian Police Department, publicly executed the suspect, Kayl Vond.

Captain Xuanzang hinted at the events the previous day, telling the Observer in a previous article that, “[Kayl Vond] is in custody, and will be dealt with tomorrow, publicly.”

Yesterday, he sent out a message on social media to over 200 followers, saying that he invites “anyone and everyone to attend a small event at the HPD south parking at around noon.”

As people gathered at the location, they were greeted with the sight of Captain Xuanzang holding an axe and Vond standing in front of him, while a line of police officers separated them from the crowd. Many words were exchanged between the pair before Captain Xuanzang struck the man with the axe. Some even say that Vond told him to “do it” and that he “deserved to die”.

Conflicting reports say that he was decapitated, while others claim he was struck with the back of the axe, causing blunt force trauma to kill him.

Citizens quickly took to Twitter, calling for a protest, which lead to a massive riot outside the police station. Things soon escalated, and shots were fired around four in the evening, causing the death of a young woman, Siddalee Matfield.

One witness says that she was shot and killed by Officer Hunter Caverly, husband of city council candidate, Officer Zipporah Caverly. Other social media posts confirm this suspicion.

The girl’s father, James Matfield, confirmed via Twitter that his daughter had been killed, and even talked to the officer over the social media site about it. He told the man that he “[doesn’t] want to kill [him]” and that “Sidda wouldn’t want another child’s father taken from them.”

He also questioned why non-lethal methods such as rubber bullets weren’t used to control the crowd, saying that “innocent people always get hurt in these things. Always.”

A curfew has been put into effect by the department, not allowing anyone outside of their homes from 8PM to 6AM. More fallout from the chaos is sure soon to arise as well, as mayoral and city council candidates use the situation to their advantage.

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