By: Undercover Reporter
This undercover reporter makes note that this article is the culmination of multiple accounts from undisclosed sources. None were hired for their information, though some may have been compensated in a variety of ways. All are trusted and believed eyewitnesses. Most of this report can be verified by public record. Other parts of the report are deductions of this reporter based on above mentioned facts, and witness accounts.

As of this week, nearly half of the entire Vudu Spice Shoppe is incarcerated by the Hathian Police Department. With another good number of devoted employees having already served time recently or have current APBs. It cannot be overlooked that the Hathian Police Department is expanding their reach far beyond the confines of law, in all its illegality.

Currently incarcerated is Vudu Spice Shoppe owner Priestess, Manager Keisha Andretti, and clerk Gwen Rao Valier. Most recently, also incarcerated was clerk Xena Rodriguez ( No surprises – Ed).
It is of record to note that in addition to the persecution of the Vudu Spice Shoppe staff, many that are friends of the long-time Hathian establishment are also being targeted. Current incarcerations of these well-intentioned friends and patrons, include Kozzy Zero, along with rumoured APB’s still outstanding for Sati and Annika from the Pawn Shop.

It does not go without this reporter’s notice that bails has been set at unprecedented amounts for some inmates, and denied fully for others. Bail set for Priestess and Kozzy Zero was apparently ordered at $10,000 and bail was denied completely for Keisha!
The incarcerations, the warrants, and the bail icebergs are just the tip of the even larger iceberg of the misuse of power by the Hathian Police Department. It is the hope of this reporter that news such as this will draw public outcry for reform! As the famed American essayist and critic, Emile Capouya said “Governments will always misuse the machinery of the law as far as the state of public opinion permits.”
Or more poignantly: “The law is an ass.” ~ Charles Dickens
UPDATE: It appears that even rumour of this article reaching the sensibilities of the fine citizens of Hathian, has perhaps given cause for action! It is coincidence that all aforementioned inmates have now been released? This reporter thinks NOT!

At least it’s not clowns this time – Ed