
Teaching Respect – Without Breaking Skin

But Possibly Breaking a Sweat

By: Daiyu Tang

Well… normally I wouldn’t post too much that might qualify for being an advert for someone’s OF page, or would possibly be found in the XXX shop, rather than the Observer… This one though has more than just titillation. It has a confession, and an interesting reflection on respect.

Coming from one who has been thrown into a filing cabinet by a gang leader for ‘respect’ or received physical abuse just for trying to do my job, it is refreshing (at least to me) to find one of Hathian’s stronger and more independent females giving out a form of punishment that didn’t actually really hurt the other individual but was probably quite a strong blow to their pride (and rear).

Of course, as Editor I take responsibility for publishing this. Permission from the spankee was given under duress (spanks), but in the round the disclosure of this story outweighs Ms. Quinnell’s modesty (which is what censor icons are for right?!) Anyway…

“What I did Wrong” by Susan Quinnell

Standing on the street corner writing notes about the state of Hathian’s parking garage (yes it was a slow news day), I observed the approaching figures of Eleri (from Fit Box) and a woman identified later as Susan Quinnell. Susan was cuffed and naked and wearing an eyepatch. It’s not every day one sees this and while I did have a flight reaction, unsure as to Eleri’s state of mind, you, dear reader, will be glad, because my thirst for the truth (and a few pictures) kept me rooted to the spot.

Firstly, Eleri addressed Susan, but it quickly became apparent that it was also addressed to me.

Eleri: “Now, listen up, darlin’, ‘cause I ain’t gonna repeat myself. You’re gonna look Daiyu right in the eye, and you’re gonna tell her exactly what you did wrong. Every single detail. Then you’re gonna explain why you deserve to be punished for it. If you can manage to do that without any of your usual fumblin’ or lyin’, maybe, maybe, you’ll be almost done with this little predicament of yours. Maybe I’ll believe y’all have learned yer lesson.”

Now that’s the start of a good news story. I will admit to still being a bit confused, so my first response wasn’t the ‘top’ quality journalism I am known for.

Observer: “I… is this… an interview? With a one-eyed pirate stripper?”

Susan: “Deputy Susan Quinnell… I didn’t do anything wrong… Went to the Fit Box to arrest this woman. Was assaulted and well you see… It was not my jurisdiction so would like to apologize to Eleri Goldwein for violating her rights and overstepping my boundaries. Satisfied? Give me back my clothes?”

It was rather a surprise that Susan sounded rather, ‘stuck up’ while giving the apology. She certainly didn’t initially sound like a woman being paraded naked around Hathian and near Bone Territory. It also didn’t really sound like the apology Eleri deserved?

Eleri “And a former HPD officer, no less. Guess that explains why you thought you could come marchin’ into my place without thinkin’ twice.”

She glanced at me and dispelled by doubts about whether she herself was comfortable to be in this news story…

Eleri: “You get all that, darlin’? And while you’re at it, feel free to use any pictures you’ve taken today. Consider this a lesson for anyone else thinkin’ about steppin’ outta line. Susan here gives full permission. Am I right, Susan? Now, sugar…”

It was at this moment Eleri drew Susan into what could only be called the ‘naughty step’ position.

Eleri: “You’ve been a good girl for ownin’ up to your wrongs. I’ll give ya that. But you ain’t done yet. A proper punishment’s gotta be seen through to the end.”

There was a blur of Eleri’s fast paced movement and then a loud smacking sound, almost a crack as Susan’s backside wobbled violently in protest.

Eleri: “That’s one and don’t think about squirming, darlin’. You earned this, fair and square. See, this here’s what happens when folks forget their place. Ain’t nothin’ personal, just a matter of makin’ sure everyone understands the rules. Now, Deputy, let’s see if you can take your licks like the good girl you’re tryin’ to be.”

Observer: “You didn’t do anything wrong… and you were assaulted in your line of ‘duty’ but you’re apologizing for violating her rights and her boundaries… That makes no sense… either you’re suggesting that Eleri here is abusing you and by virtue of that, in trouble with the law, or you’re saying you just like punishment? Former HPD Officer… mmh…. some people might say former, but still alive, is quite lucky… I think this is a much better way than all the gang violence to resolve issues right?”

As the smacks started to land, this appeared to be the catalyst Susan needed to increase her apology a bit more.

Susan: “Yes, it was my fault! “Make it stop! I’m sorry!”

Eleri: “Daiyu, you’re observant as always, Susan here has a bit of a problem with tellin’ the truth and ownin’ her faults. She thought she could waltz into my gym, throw her badge around, and come out on top. Clearly, she needed a lesson in respect. But we ain’t done just yet. Here’s the deal, darlin’. You’re gonna count ten more spanks out loud, nice and clear, and after every one, you’re gonna promise to behave. Then, you’re gonna thank me for correctin’ you. And if you do all that, well, then you’re free to go. Sound fair?”

It sounded pretty fair to me, considering the alternatives Zeek, or Tori or others would deal out if disrespected by a mere badge.

Eleri: “See, I prefer folks learn to behave better rather than end up missin’ limbs. Makes for a cleaner resolution, don’t ya think? So alright, sugar. Start countin’.”

As the spanks rained down on the ‘poor’ red backside of Susan (considering some would probably pay to have someone like Eleri dominate them like this, I can’t feel that sorry for her) she finally gave in and surrendered the words Eleri wanted to hear.

Susan: “One…I promise to behave! Thank you for correcting me! Ow!” Two… I promise to behave! I thank you for correcting me! Ow! Three…I promise to behave…I thank you for correcting me!”

It continued and this seemed to satisfy Eleri and was probably a satisfying sight for some of the onlookers that might have begun to gather.

Eleri: “This ain’t the worst thing that could happen to someone actin’ a fool like she did. Deep down, I reckon she’s just a good girl who’s been waitin’ for someone to remind her how to act “That’s it, sugar. Look at you, learnin’ your lesson nice and proper. I knew you had it in ya. Underneath all that bluster and badge flashin’, I think you just wanna be a good girl, don’t ya, Susan? Someone who knows her place, follows the rules, and behaves like she should. And I’m happy to help bring that outta ya.”

I consider this a better form of punishment than many use in the city and while I can’t suggest that this is entirely ethical, it certainly is a break from our normally scheduled programs and yes, one wonders if this isn’t an advert for Eleri’s spanking service… anyone else who disrespects and finds out, do let us know!

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