By: Daiyu Tang
Yesterday, August 4th 2024, it was reported on social media and in Hathian that the Gein, the (in)famous restaurant run by Estelle Brianna was subject to some type of firebombing, or other form of arson. While, initially it appears this matter is under investigation, our trawl of social media indicated a likely perpetrator, or at least someone of interest that Estelle (and Hathian PD) may wish to take a close look at.
The FDH, via their Chief, Trevor Pentewyn provided the following comment:
“On August 4th, at around 2:00 PM, there was a fire at The Gein. Our team from Fire Department Hathian responded quickly and extinguished the fire. Chief Trevor Pentewyn, along with Lt. Rog Messmer, Firefighter Sam Warrhol, and Probie Corbin LaSalle, were on the scene. We worked together to control and extinguish the fire and deliver medical treatment. Thankfully, there were no deaths. All injured people were taken to Hathian General Hospital for treatment. We are still looking into what caused the fire and are working closely with the Hathian Police Department in their investigation. The Gein will remained closed until we have conducted a fire investigation and ensured the premises are safe. Chief Trevor Pentewyn FDH”
Chief Pentewyn
With FDH performing their investigations we can confirm, via the support of our deputised reporter, Ryder ‘Only Music’ Millet that a local character, ‘Jodie’ appears to be the prime suspect:

In addition to Ryder, a cursory search of Twitter has Jodie in effect admitting to the attack with much discussion focused on her desire to burn witches.

I searched around a bit until I found an eye witness who had been at the store:
Observer: “What can you tell us about what happened?”
Dr. Tsosi: “This woman ran in, throwing about gasoline and she was screaming, ‘Burn you fucking witches!’
Observer: “Right… and then what happened? I mean we do have witch stores on campus and around, but the Gein hardly seems to be a hotbed of occult activity?”
Dr. Tsosi: “Well FDH put the fire out, I tried with condiments and milkshakes but it had no effect, so we had to break a front window to escape. I think I saw Estelle… squeezing… through the drive-through window!”
So there we have it citizens… Was it a breakdown in this Jodie’s mental health? Was it drugs which seem to be appearing in food a lot recently? Or is Estelle really a witch and Jodie is a modern-day witch hunter, replacing the stake with steak and chips (well done)?
If you have any tips do reach out to a reporter!