Wild Saturday In Laveau

3 mins read

By: Zofia Lewandowska

The last few articles in the Observer have been about violence and crime, so I decided to write something more positive, where we cover people having fun, celebrating their lives and getting together without aggression.

Last weekend, a community party was held in Laveau near the docks, where there is a diner and bait shop. The event lasted all day and plans are in the works to have a similar event held on the first Saturday of every month. ((The CD Event Calendar is HERE))

Yes, you heard right, every month there will be a small party and gathering open to all all day.

Who organizes the party? Bait shop and diner in Laveau.

What is the program? Barbecues, really lots of vegetarian stuff, little meat because people know that meat is not good for their health, drinks, dancing and performances where everyone can show off their art.

When the party takes place? The event last all day, first Saturday of every month.

Reporting From Last Weekend

I was there and helped with organizing it, even though most of the work was done by locals. From the beginning it was a great fun. We danced on the table, on the ground and I presented my fire dancing skills.

Then the scene got really exciting and dangerous with Samantha, a great hunter, working the show and volunteer Natalia tied to a wooden panel. It was really exciting, first the blades and then the axe were thrown towards the girl, hitting places very close to her.

Unfortunately, some of Natalia’s clothes were hit and damaged and I couldn’t share all the photos from the party. Anyway, no one was hurt. They were pros.

There was plenty of food and drink available at all times from the diner run by Lovie and Dris, both excellent cooks.


I’m really glad I could be there with friendly people. It was decent and I will go there more often because Laveau is a great place.

That’s why I’m giving you this advice If you don’t know what to do on the first Saturday of the month, visit Laveau’s bait store and diner. Talk to people, meet new people and enjoy the party programme. Or present your art and skills, show what you can do and be active. (And don’t be a knife throw volunteer if you want to keep your clothes – Ed)

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