Pride 2024 – Batterie Beach: Don’t Miss It!

Happening Now!

1 min read

By: Daiyu Tang

It’s almost upon us Readers and you better not miss it, Hathian is staging the 2024 Pride on Batterie Beach and it’s happening now!

Come down and experience the amazing setup from many of Hathian’s businesses. Get drinks, get costumes, get art, get laid… (maybe) and most importantly have fun and celebrate the good things about our town. Mayor Boxer may have highlighted the violence, but the Observer is choosing to highlight the good.

DJ Poppy and DJ Valena are expected on decks and it promises to be a hot full day of everything you could want

We hope to see you there and watch out for our editor, she’ll be happy to take your photo if you grab her. The price? A squeezy hug… Today is a day of respect and care and pride, so show it, wear it and be it.

((Images can be expanded on click!))

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