Vudu Spice Shop Under New Leadership

3 mins read


The old door creaks open, and the sound of chanting grows louder. The smell of various herbs and spices fill the air, while the organs of a bull rest on a nearby altar. This is not the scene in some horror film; it is business at the Vudu Spice Shop in Hathian. While the shop was established some time ago, it is now under fresh leadership: that of Vodou Priestess Lizette Delacroix ((Ryellie Resident)). 

Delacroix is relatively new to Hathian, as she has only been in town since the start of the new year. However, she was born and raised in the Creole culture. She has also been to all of the Gulf states, as well as the Caribbean. Coming from a strong Haitian background, Delacroix says she felt the calling to serve, so she apprenticed to learn the core Vodou ceremonies. Such ceremonies involve song and dance, along with animal sacrifice and ritual possessions.  

Delacroix said she does a lot of fortune telling, tarot reading, mixing potions, making gris-gris (talismans) and leading rituals for her followers. Asked why she wished to take over the spice shop, she replied that Vodou is what she is, that it’s in her blood, and in some ways, it’s all she really knows. She adds that she could have just set up a tent in Haiti and people would come to her, but Americans expect more of a structure. Plus, “locking doors helps keep thieves out,” she said. 

The Vodou witch has many plans for the shop. She plans to host rituals that are open for the public and to celebrate major Vodou holidays. Most interesting, she has posted a bounty list on the board behind the shop. The list is for ingredients and items needed by the shop. Those who are interested can search for the items and turn them into the shop for money. Some of the products and services offered by the shop include fortune telling, divination, potion vending/mixing, appraisals, hexes, curses, cures, occult supplies and paraphernalia, herbs and tobacco products, exorcism, and curse breaking. 

The Vudu Spice Shop is located on Battle Street, behind the Hathian Civil Services building.

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