The Angels Invasion

2 mins read

Fellow Hathian,

I was walking into town, searching for a good subject for my next article when I stumble into a weird bossy blonde girl who hand me a flyer.

Speaking to her, this was Manon, the Venus Pornstar and CEO of Gold Studio. After offering to show me her boobs in exchange of a word in the Observer, I told her that I was married. And that’s when she threatens to spank me to death. So, I looked on the flyer because the woman was starting to freak me out.

Fellow Hathian, Gold Studio is throwing a party on Bourbon street Jan 15th, starting at 2PM (slt). She didn’t tell me the location yet, but she promised me something big.

She told me, and I quote “For the location buddy, you gonna have to stay tuned on our twitter account, @HathianGoldPorn or @ManonGoldigger. Or even better, join the fan club. You’re not in the fan club yet? What is wrong with you?” That’s when I almost choke with my coffee …

I tried to stay professional, and ask her how to join the fan club. She just told me to jump by the HQ on Greek Row. She just adds “There will be drinks, foods, Cash The Don for the music, hot girls, hot men, dancing and partying so just be there”.

The girl is weird, but I got to admit, this sounds pretty cool, so I may jump by. Hope to see you there.

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