On Wednesday morning, paramedics responded to a call behind the Titty Twister and discovered a man who had several broken ribs and bruises. Officer Olbers had laceration caused by a knife, though it was not very serious.
Medics treated the patient and Paramedic Kate Stark transported him, heavily guarded, to the hospital. While in transit, he blamed the cops for their cruelty towards him.
In a discussion with Officer Olbers in the hospital room later, Stark learned that there were indeed two sides to this story, though at first it appeared the police were simply creating more patients.
Olbers explained that the situation had been an arrest gone wrong. The man had refused to present any kind of ID when asked to produce it, so Olbers cited him. When the man became aggressive and they had no choice but to subdue him. Olbers went to put the cuffs on him, causing the man to pull his knife suddenly and slash at Olbers’ abdomen. “It was good I was wearing two vests,” Olbers added.
When asked why they check ID throughout the city of folks that are simply standing around, Olbers explained, “Well, we check ID mainly, to let the people know we are watching them…. Sometimes we do it to discourage loitering and such.”