Saints Song Church has opened it’s arms today with a [less than] Grand Opening in the Rougarou Area. Located right on the edge of the city that stretches into the bayou area, the church has certainly chosen a ripe spot to opens it arms.
The Church is located outside of Hathian but has branches out with a small home for the needy. A project that one of the sisters of the Church has said. “Is something the church has wanted to do for a long time.” And I dare say it’s a statement I agree with.
The Home is thus far only supporting three units, two of which are big enough for a small family. Applications for eligibility can be received on site at this address listed below. Anyone interested can also call the Building Manager; Carolyn-Anne Brown.
((IC Your character will have to apply to live in one of the homes. This can be assumed upon rental. You do not need to ask OOC to live here. Just rent whichever room you want.
CONTACT : Miltades Resident))