It’s not often that Hathian is graced with someone who willing puts themselves in trouble in order to help others. Late Tuesday night, one of these rare people made themselves known.
An unknown woman was being attacked at knife point by two men, in danger of being raped or killed, when an off duty member of the fire department stepped in and saved her.
The man, who only revealed himself as Phillip, approached the attackers and broke up the assault and immediately began treating the unknown woman’s injuries, which were nothing more than a few cuts and scrapes.
“I’m no hero,” Phillip said modestly. “I just keep people alive.”
You could argue that this is exactly what a hero is; someone who puts themselves in harm’s way to make sure others are safe, while asking nothing in return for it.
Regardless of your definition of heroics, bravery, or selflessness, people like Phillip are something Hathian desperately needs more of.