Looking for Legal Representation?

2 mins read

Do you want someone to believe you and someone you can trust to work for you?

Attorney Kathryn Darcy is working with Hathian Civil Services and taking on private clients.

Civil Services work taken on:

Criminal Cases:
If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, you may be dreading heading to court, especially if you do not have the resources to afford a lawyer. Use your phone call to call Kathryn Darcy.*

Legal Aid Cases
If you think that you need to file a lawsuit to protect your interests, but are unable to afford a private lawyer, you may be able to qualify for legal aid.

Private cases:
Do you need someone trustworthy to take on your case work taken on for a reasonable hourly rate, deposit required.

Feel you have a personal injury case worth forwarding but can’t afford an attorney contact Kathryn Darcy to discuss whether she will take on your case on Contingency (No win no fee!!)

Call 555-Lawyer-Kat any calls left on voicemail will be replied to promptly.

If you would like to meet Kathryn Darcy in person, she keeps the following hours at the Civil Service Offices:

Tuesday 11am to 1pm
Thursday 11am to 1pm
Saturday 1pm to 3pm

((Contact KathrynKK Resident in world – all office hours are SLT and based on RP not taking her away))

* ((I cannot get charges dropped but if you’re looking for cell time RP – this could be a different angle))

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