Rentals Available

1 min read

home2There are three homes and an apartment ((skybox)) available now from Gammie’s Land Rentals. Located in the newly developed district of Rougarou, the rentals are in a nice locale fitting nicely into the suburban landscaping.


There are two communal areas available for a nice easy picnic or simply sitting and cuddling with that cherished love one. The homes are nice and basic one floors but have that sweet down home feel and the apartment is a sleek and clean two floor with a bedroom, bath, foyer, living/dining room & kitchen!

apartmentThe rentals are located up on a hill over looking the rest of Rougarou. You are sure to love the view here!  The rentals are beautiful and suitable as a started homes for a couple just starting out or a bachelor or bachelorette! A real must see! Interested call (990) 453 – 7733.


((IM LucindaLucard or Gamja Myanamotu. Homes: 100 prims @ 500 L/wk. Apartment: 250 prims @ 1250 L/wk. View spaces here and here.))

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