Moonshadow Investigations – Open for Business & Hiring

5 mins read

The Private Detective Agency ‘Moonshadow Investigations’ is now open for business and currently hiring new staff.

From her temporary office upstairs in the Civil Services building on Hathian Highway, the ex-HPD Detective Sergeant Angel Moonshdaow spoke to the Observer about her new agency: “I am delighted to announce the opening of our office in Hathian and our first intake of trainee investigators who will be attending our induction training course at Columtreal University in the coming week. Our aim is to offer citizens an alternative. We will provide confidential, professional investigative services to private citizens, corporations and organisations. For a fee, every client will receive  a report with an emphasis on high quality, unbiased and methodical investigative work carried out according to our strict ethical practices policy. It will then be up to the client if they wish to take any evidence in our reports to the police or lawyers for enforcement action.”

When asked why she left the HPD to set up the agency Moonshadow replied: “Hathian is a tough city within which to live and work. With poverty and violence so rife the temptation to turn to crime is strong, even amongst those who should know better. From the Chief down, many within the HPD work hard and face great personal risk daily to protect the innocent. But the departments budgets are squeezed while the crime rates rise. With their resources and personnel frequently forced to focus on the most serious crimes with impossible case loads, it can leave some citizens feeling frustrated that they have had insufficient redress for any wrongdoing against them. I started the agency to fill that gap. We are not a replacement for the police, we are an alternative, an avenue for those who may, for whatever reason, prefer to come to us and privately fund an in-depth investigation into their alleged crime with the guarantee of high professional and ethical standards.”

We asked Moonshadow how the Agency will operate; “Investigations will focus exclusively on the collection of evidence to produce a report for the client. We place a great emphasis on attention to detail and will frequently turn to forensic science to build our evidential case. The agency will screen all potential work from clients and will refuse to take on work deemed to breech our ethical code. We will NOT assist in criminal activity nor act as intelligence gatherers for any gang. It is essential that Moonshadow Investigations retains a good professional working relationship with the local police force, so the agency will NOT partake in any investigations against serving police officers. All potential new clients will be required to be interviewed, will be given an initial estimated quotation (minus expenses), and, if the terms are accepted on both sides, will be required to sign a contract with the agency and provide a 30% fee payment up-front ((RP money, just like my staffs pay!)). The remaining 70% of the fee (plus expenses) must be settled prior to receiving the final investigation report.”

The Observer asked Moonshadow who will carry out the investigations: “All of our field investigators are required to attend a mandatory induction training course and pass the final exam. Furthermore all new recruits undergo a supervised probationary period before both their managers and the new investigator feels ready to take on their own cases. I take the safety and needs of my staff very seriously, support and assistance is always available. Final reports are always signed-off by senior staff to ensure a consistent quality control before being released to the client. We currently have full and part-time (freelance) vacancies for;

  • Field Investigators (Private Detectives)
  • Clerical Staff
  • Specialists & Consultants (eg. Forensic pathologists, criminal psychologists)
  • Close Protection Officers (Bodyguards)
  • Undercover Surveillance Operatives

We still have some vacancies on our first induction course starting 11th July 2013 and anyone wishing to apply for a Job with the agency should visit our offices ((click the help wanted sign)).”

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